The times are
changing. Are you?
The modern workforce is changing fast. Chances are your workers are increasingly scattered – on location, working from home, in branch offices or simply in transit. Unfortunately, the catalogue of potential threats is also expanding. We live in a world where terrorism, extreme weather events, cyber attacks and natural disasters continue to evolve.
This creates a nightmare scenario for the unprepared employer. What do you do when crisis hits? How do you know where everyone is? Can you get a swift response from each and every employee?
If the answer is no, ADTEC can help. Our advanced communications solutions help protect your entire workforce in event of an emergency.
Transform your duty of care
Contemporary workforce security requires the ultimate in multi-channel communications. Unite your workers using a smart online platform which notifies them 24/7, wherever they are – eliciting instant response.
Live tracking gives you real-time status reports, alerting you to areas of non-response. This identifies those in potential danger and allows you to concentrate resources in areas that need it most.
Multi-mode and multi-channel communications ensure you reach workers in the way that works best for them. Voice, message and email alert options cover every eventuality.
- Use mass notifications for rolling disaster updates.
- Have central vision of multiple departments and locations.
- Get fast confirmation that your workers are safe.
- Alert workers to safe corridors and gathering points.
- Aggregate data from multiple sources.
- Create mobile alert buttons and SOS notifications.
- Keep track of lone workers in remote locations.
- Use real-time intelligence to identify and reach out to people.
Track every last employee
Today’s workforce is increasingly mobile. As a result, situational awareness must be factored into your critical event management.
Our smart critical communications ensures you can locate and communicate with every worker, across multiple channels, as a crisis unfolds. This leaves you in control, and your workforce within reach, during an emergency.